Wrapped in Love

I feel all wrapped up in this thing called motherhood. Yesterday, I was in the grocery store with my daughter and a man passed me, saying, "it's the toughest thing you'll ever love." That's so true, and my mind hasn't been able to escape that sentence since.

If you're a mother, you'll know that time passes in this weird way that you aren't ready for, and you sometimes look back on the moments of when your child was smaller and how you would have appreciated it more now, because you aren't as exhausted. Like, when Finley was so tiny she would just lay there, swaddled in her fuzzy panda swaddled and I would hold her and she'd fall asleep (and stay asleep) after I nursed her, and if gently place her in her bassinet in the corner of the room. I was thinking how cool that would be if I could do that now, because now she rolls around like crazy and always has to be looking at something, and is barely asleep for a second before she's awakened due to her terrible case of FOMO (fear of missing out). Because right now, if I could put her down, I wouldn't be falling asleep because of the newborn physical exhaustion, but to write to you at a more reasonable time then 11:15pm in my bed, on my IPhone, instead of on the floor with my laptop and maybe a bowl of cold watermelon. But that almost makes it more exciting- like when I was a kid and would hide under the covers past my bedtime with a book and a reading light until the bugs that were attracted to it got too annoying or one of my parents discovered me. Parenthood is exciting like that. 

It's, new, it's fun, it's very exhausting and hard, and full, and emptying and one big description of being completely wrapped up and emersed in a newness you never actually thought of in the blissful days of pregnancy. 

This week I was trying to illustrate a wrap dress and it didn't turn out how I wanted it to. Usually I spend every night working on an illustration to show here by Friday, but to be honest I chose sleeping more often than not. So I'm going to still show you it, but I'm admitting that it's a mess and it looks weird and it's not my best. BUT we're all human, and no one's perfect, and I'm here to show you the mistakes as well as the high moments of my life through fashion, writing, and my heart. So below is the aforementioned illustration. Also, if this post contains any spelling errors I asked for them, since I'm too tired to reread this and calling it a night. If you're a parent, remember that you're doing it right as long as you're trying. If you're a young girl and have made it to end, know that you are beautiful, worthy, and have potential beyond your years. And if you're still waiting for children, enjoy every last drop of your current life, and enjoy the time you have by yourself to do great things, because once you have a child, your life will never be the same. Your time will obviously be filled with the excitement and busyness of parenthood, but it will never be your own time anymore. Enjoy that. Savor that bowl of ice cream until every last drop is gone. It's the toughest job you'll ever love. 


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